
New colours and shit

I was getting really annoyed with how small I had to make my edited comics to get them to fit within the column as I had it before, so I thought I'd do something about that, and while I was at it I messed with a few other things.

Let me know if you like it or if you hate it or if you're indifferent to it or, more importantly, if anything seems to be bent, broken or otherwise fucked up. Especially if these changes mean that stuff isn't fitting on your tiny antiquated monitor any more, because I do actually want the site to be readable.

The new colours and fonts are supposed to be a bit more "comicky" (Comicish? Comic-y? Comicy?) or whatever, but I might decide I hate them and put them back. I don't know, I just changed a bunch of stuff for the hell of it. Let me know what you think.

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