
One-Panel Wednesday: People sure do hate their spouse's mother, right?

The Better Half, 2014-04-24.

"First they told me 2 + 2 + 4." says Stanley. "The  they told me 3 + 1 + 4. After that, I lost all faith in our education system." And if he went through school and failed to learn to count then that would be a pretty harsh indictment of at least the school he went to.

Kliban, 2014-04-28.

An igloo is on fire. Several Eskimos form a line and pass blocks of ice forward to throw on the fire.

Snow job.

The Lockhorns, 2014-04-29.

Loretta's mother proudly shows off a trophy.
"Tennis?" says Leroy. "I thought it was for quidditch."

He's implying that Loretta's mother is a witch. You see, quidditch is the fictional game played by the wizards and witches in the Harry Potter series, so if she had won a quidditch trophy then she must be a witch. Leroy doesn't like his mother-in-law. That's the joke.

Heathcliff, 2014-04-29.

Heathcliff is spray-painting the word "POOP" onto a wall as a crowd of children watch and cheer.
"His graffiti is kid-friendly." remarks a police officer, making no attempt to stop the vandalism or apprehend the perpetrator.

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