
Philosophical Friday: Nagging Wives

Freshly Squeezed, 2014-07-07.
Yeah yeah yeah, shoplifting bad, important lessons, etc. but what the hell is that thing he stole? It looks like one of those shitty fake gameboy things that only play one terrible game because the screen just has certain pre-defined shapes on it like a calculator. What those cost is about $2, surely? Do they even make those any more?

Hi and Lois, 2014-07-08.
Marvin, 2014-07-08.
Ballard Street, 2014-07-11.
Husbands, always storing useless junk!
Wives, always throwing away treasured possessions!

Never the other way around, you may notice. And there's no chance of any sort of negotiation or compromise or even just talking to each other like grown adults who respect each other. Because men are disgusting slobs who will happily live in filth and women are joyless nags who exist to impose neatness and cleanliness on men. Obviously.

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