
Philosophical Friday: What even is a bird?

Edge City, 2014-06-13.
According to his official character bio on Comics Kingdom, Len "used to play in a punk rock band ... and stays true to his rock-and-roll roots" so you'd think he'd be a bit more open to this kind of thing.

Bewley, 2014-06-30.
Oh come on, breasts, teeth, hair. Why even make the characters in your comic birds if they're not going to be even remotely bird-like?

Curtis, 2014-06-30.
Well, whose fault would you say that is, Greg? Given that you offer him no other way to get money and asking you actually works around half the time, why wouldn't he do it? You are the cause of your own problem, but you're blaming Curtis for it anyway, because you blame everything on Curtis. Fuck you, Greg Wilkins. Also Ray Billingsley.

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