
This Blog is Deprecated

I realised today that since I got my Facebook page, keeping this blog was basically just duplicating effort and dividing my (hypothetical) audience, so from this point forward you should not expect to see anything posted here. My commentary goes on Twitter and my comic descriptions go on Facebook, and my edits go on both. So follow me there if you still want to see this stuff.

As of today I also have a patreon, which you are absolutely free to ignore and which you will get absolutely nothing for donating to. I just kind of realised that there was no reason not to have one. Worst case scenario I get nothing out of it, but on the off chance that someone wants to give me some money, who am I to stand in their way?

In case you're interested in anything else I do, I also have another blog where I review TV shows and post whatever other writing I feel like doing and a YouTube channel where I put occasional let's plays and other stupid garbage. Oh, and a personal Twitter in case you feel like following me there.

And that's it. I'm not deleting this blog so you can still go back and look at my old posts if that brings you joy, but for new stuff check the Facebooks and Twitters.

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