
The "Amazing" Spider-Man

Spider-Man is hanging from the side of a building, clearly visible to anyone who so much as glances his way, his red and blue costume showing vividly against the pale brown of the wall.
"Got to figure out how Kraven plans to steal that diamond tiara!" he thinks as he watches the museum's armoured vehicle arrive.

"No one knows we're only bringing a fake to the casino!" exclaims one of the guards unnecessarily to the other as they carefully carry a small, light-weight box between them.
"- While the real tiara stays at the museum!" he finishes, presumably for the benefit of his fellow guard who already knows this.
"That's it!" thinks Spider-Man, upside-down now for no apparent reason and also somehow behind the truck, where he is completely visible to the guards, who can't be more than a couple of meters away.


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