
One-Panel Wednesday: Mostly Menacing

Dennis the Menace, 2014-06-05.

Joey and Dennis observe a spider on a web.
"Now that's a web site." says Dennis.

No it isn't, Dennis. It's a web. I feel like this joke was written by someone who never stopped to think about the word "website" and where it came from. Because "web" and "net" are pretty apt descriptions of the way computers and sites are linked together, but Ketcham, Hamilton and Ferdinand just thought "Bah, those computer page things are call 'web sites', but what have they got to do with webs? Nothing!" and then they put their old man griping into the mouth of a five-year-old, because that's not incongruous at all.

Dennis the Menace, 2014-06-11.

"Grampa." says Dennis, sitting in his customary place in the corner of the room, facing the wall. "Your daughter was impossible today. You should make her sit in the corner."
Oliver appears to be giving the suggestion serious thought. Alice looks petulant.

Why do we never see what Dennis did to end up in the corner?

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